Monday, January 16, 2012

US can pay the deficit and create 50 million jobs in 10 years

Sahit Muja
 Sahit Muja: US can pay the deficit and create 50 million jobs in 10 years

 The United States government has ownership of 650 million acres of land 2.63 million square kilometers about 30% of its total territory".
The total geographic region covered jointly by the EU member states is around 4,422,773 square kilometers.

These federal lands are huge burden to taxpayers.
The land are managed by different administrations, such as the Bureau of Land Management, the US Forest Service, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the US Department of Defense, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Bureau of Reclamation or the Tennessee Valley Authority.

The U.S. government has shown that it cannot manage public lands effectively because it has neither the tools, resources, or motivation.

The United States has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels of potentially recoverable oil.

The U.S coal reserves stand at 275 billion tons, an amount that is greater than any other nation in the world capable of meeting domestic demand for more than 250 years.
US has also huge reserves of oil and natural gas.

 Five steps to balance the budgets and pay the federal deficit".

1: Sell all the Federal Government land to a private sector.

2: Allowing mining and drilling on natural resources, oil, natural gas, coal, minerals.

3: Withdraw US uneeded troops around the world

4: Legalise emigrants in US and allow more legal emigrants with condition to invest.

5: Implement 15 percent flat tax system for all cooperation and individuals.

 If US government sells the land to a private sector there will be huge money deposits in Treasury to invest in education, infrastructure, and in energy".

There will be huge demand for workforce and every American will be employed. About 50 million jobs can be created.
The deficit will despair in 10 years and US will have energy Independence and continue to be most powerful country in the planet for generations to come.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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