Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: Gold prices may hit $10,000 per ounce in 2025Global gold production is declining as demand and prices has accelerated
Albanian Minerals CEO said “Gold prices may hit $10,000 per ounce in 2025 as global population is expected to increase to 8 billion people.
Gold prices has increase from $35 in 1934 to $1645.20 an ounce in January 14, 2012.
If gold prices increase 50% each year the price of one ounce of gold will be $10,000 dollars
The gold prices has increase an average 50 per cent each year since 1934.
Gold is the most important monetary currency throughout the world’s history.
Gold production is declining compered with growing demands. Global gold production was 2500 tonnes in 2010.
The list of countries with gold reserves:
Albania, Algeria, Ecuador Korea, Republic (South) Rwanda . Argentina, Equatorial Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo.
Saudi Arabia, Armenia , Eritrea, Laos, Senegal , Australia, Ethiopia, Liberia, Serbia ,Belize, Fiji, Madagascar, Sierra Leone.
Benin,m Finland, Malaysia, Slovakia, Bolivia, France, Mali, Solomon, Islands, Botswana, French, Guiana, Mauritania, South Africa.
Brazil, Gabon, Mexico, Spain, Bulgaria, Georgia, Mongolia, Sudan, Burkina, Faso, Ghana, Morocco, Suriname.
Burma (Myanmar), Guatemala, Mozambique, Sweden, Burundi, Guinea, Namibia, Tajikistan .
Cameroon, Guyana, New Zealand, Tanzania, Canada, Honduras, Nicaragua, Thailand .
India, Niger, Turkey, Chad, Indonesia, Nigeria, Uganda, Chile, Iran, Oman, United States .
China, Italy, Papua New Guinea, Uruguay, Colombia, Jamaica, Peru, Uzbekistan .
Japan, Philippines, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Poland, Vietnam, Cotd’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Kenya, Romania and Zimbabwe .
China is the world largest gold producer with 350 tons of gold may be produced in 2011.
Australia is the world second largest gold producer with gold production of 255 tonnes in 2010.
Australia remains 20% below its level of production of 1998.
The U.S. production of gold has been declining since 1998 (-37%) until it has stabilized around 230 tonnes in 2011 .
Gold production in South Africa has bee decline.
South Africa was the world top producer of gold in 2005 but after almost a century of hegemony, its ranking declined to fourth position in 2011.
Gold production in South Africa has decreased by 80% within the last 40 years.
Russia gold production is about 190 tonnes in 2010.
Gold production in Peru is still below its peak production of 2005 ,208 tons of gold with 170 tonnes of gold produced in 2010.
Indonesia produced 120 tons of gold in 2010, -27% since its peak production in 2006.
Canada remains well below its level of production of 1990 176 tons of gold with 90 tonnes of gold produced in 2010.
The gold producing countries Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mali,
Mexico, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Papua, Philippines, Tanzania, account for more than a third of the world gold production in 2010 against less than 10% in 1970.
lbanian Minerals CEO said “To find new deposits of gold, mining companies must invest more in infrastructure and drill deeper into undeveloped arias to find the last remaining of gold”.
”Gold prices and demand is expected to increase from lots of factors, from increase in the world population and the decline of the gold production , from devaluation of currencies and geopolitical problems”.
Sahit Muja,
Albanian Minerals
New York
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